window cleaning at height

Powered Access Platforms for Window Cleaning

Gain the Powered Access advantage

Industrial window cleaning businesses are increasingly taking advantage of what powered access platforms for window cleaning can offer.

Ladders and abseiling are often used but there are inherent risks in carrying equipment and getting water to windows above two storeys. Many new buildings have large windows, often with glass domes and atriums. The more traditional methods have difficulty in getting to these hard to reach places.

Power Access Platforms for window cleaning are much safer and larger window areas be cleaned more quickly. Getting closer to the glass allows for a cleaner, more professional finish.

Buildings where powered access platforms for window cleaning excel…

Office buildings
Apartment blocks
Public sector buildings
Schools and Academic Buildings
Housing Associations
Shopping Malls

Your business may already be working in some of these sectors, but if you are looking to expand your existing operation with high access equipment, or thinking of entering new markets, then purchasing a new powered access platform will give you a very competitive edge.

The experts at Promax Access can help in choosing the right machine (often referred to as a MEWP – Mobile Elevated Working Platform – or more colloquially, a Cherry Picker).  They offer free advice and also guidance, taking into consideration your specific requirements.

Things to consider…

• The ability to work both outdoors and indoors

• Use in narrow access spaces

• Reach heights up to 100 feet

• Dual power options (e.g. no diesel fumes in Malls)

• Raise the operator with cleaner’s scraper and also plenty of water to exact requirements

Example One

You want to get more contracts where the requirement is to reach heights up to 4 stories and with an outreach of 20 feet. The work is indoors but with a standard door width access restriction. Schools and academic buildings might be an example. A suitable power access platform would be a SPIDER 13.65.

Example Two

You may already be working in the Shopping Malls sector but are also looking at expanding into exhibition buildings with vast architectural glass structures. Again the requirement is for use both indoors and out but with a working height of 100 feet and an outreach of 50 feet. An industry leading solution is the Promax Access SPIDER 33.15. With it’s telescopic lower and upper boom arrangement, this machine provides a unique up-and-over working envelope, with smooth and stable operation.

Both these machines have an Air/Water and power line to the cage. This facilities not just window cleaning, but also permits high pressure cleaning of external walls, cladding and gutters.

These are just two examples from the Promax Access powered access platform for window cleaning range. Study the market you want to enter or expand into and choose the right working height and outreach you require from our range of equipment.