The value of trees to our environment is high on the agenda in managing our atmosphere. Often referred to as “the lungs of the planet” they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen; they stabilise soil by absorbing water; and provide a home for our wildlife.
Careful management of this vital resource relies on expert tree surgeons and their tree cutting equipment. Some work can be done at ground level but much is done at height. As with all working at height, risks are involved and need to be carefully managed.
The traditional climbing gear for arborists consists of ropes and ladders, these however carry considerable risks for the user. A much safer way to reduce the likelihood of an accident is by using a powered access platform. A “spider” platform is the perfect addition to any arborists tree cutting equipment.
The HSE and The Arboricultural Association have both published guides and a code of practice for a safer working environment when working at height with trees. The key element is a risk framework that is properly planned, appropriately supervised and carried out in a safe manner.
Roles and responsibilities should be clearly identified in risk management and planning. Tree key personnel need to be identified –
• Responsible Person – who determines a generic assessment and risk control procedures which are largely unchanging from site to site
• Competent person – who appraises specific on-site risks including emergency procedures and protocol
• Proficient operator – conduct the on-site appraisal on the day of working, validating and applying the safe systems of work identified by the competent person.
Both the HSE and the Arboricultural Association highlight that before any tree work operations begin, a risk assessment must be made. They identify that using tree service equipment platforms, such as a Spider platform, lowers the risk of accident when compared with rope and ladder.
The risk assessment will include a pre-work evaluation as to whether tree work at height is appropriate; a check that safe systems are in place; that operators are properly trained; identification of site-specific hazards; an emergency plan is in operation; and that everyone concerned has a clear idea of the tasks to be completed.
There are two important concerns specifically for powered access platform operators:
• Individuals should identify the drop zone
• They should use appropriate and accurate cutting techniques
Power access platforms are quicker and safer for arborists and are the perfect tree service equipment operating with versatility and flexibility in challenging locations. As with all work at height, a pre-work Risk Assessment is essential for the safety of all.
Promax Access specialise in providing high access tree cutting equipment for the Forestry industry and can offer a wealth of advice on choosing the right access platform for the job. Contact us now.